Our Leadership
“Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” Acts 20:28 NASB
Our Commitment
As a Church, we believe in the authority of God’s Word (the Bible) and therefore try our utmost, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to conduct ourselves in a manner which reflects and glorifies Christ. We encourage all of our members to live in such a way and especially our leaders. The Bible includes numerous descriptions and responsibilities for those who lead God’s people (the Church), and it is these instructions to which we hold our leaders accountable, from our pastor to our deacons to our Sunday school teachers.
Our Leadership
Rev. Gary Oser - Lead Pastor
Sam Force - Treasurer & Deacon
Tammy Force - Trustee Chairwoman
Jerry Hiestand - Deacon & Member-at-Large
Rachel King - Member-at-Large
Mike Strawser - Sunday School Secretary & Custodian
Penny Strawser - Children’s Ministry & Custodian
Tim Wilson - Trustee
Sheldon King - Associate Pastor & Deacon
Kent Waller - Board Secretary
Roger Bontrager - Deacon
Tom Bugher - Trustee
Cathy Bussey - Member-at-Large
Denny Bussey - Trustee
Tom Deeter - Deacon, Member-at-Large, Trustee & Head Usher
Seth Force - Deacon